Kingdom Enterprises was started in September 2015. It is a 501-(c)3 tax exempt ministry. The purpose of this ministry is to be a catalyst for the proclamation of the Gospel right here in the United States.
We want to impact unbelievers with the Gospel and uncompromisingly stand for Biblical truth in the culture
We seek to equip believers and congregations to do the same.
There are five core principles that we have embraced
1) We want to be Christ centered in everything we do
2) We want to be Spirit led, relying on the Holy Spirit for direction, guidance, and ability
3) We desire to be innovative in our projects
4) We desire to work in unity with any denomination or Christian group that acknowledges the basic tenants of the Christian faith even if there are subtle disagreements on secondary theological issues
5) We commit to displaying the love of Christ, uncompromisingly standing on the truth of God's word, and doing everything in our ability to impact this world for Christ
For further info on these core principles click here
Mission Statement
To impact this world through the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is our mission and this is our purpose as an organization.
The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation. It is just as relevant and powerful as it was 2,000 years ago.
Though we live in the 21st century, we are committed as a ministry to not compromise the message of the Gospel. Everyone is hopelessly in need of a savior. That Savior is Jesus Christ alone. Because of Christ's death on the cross, all that come to Christ in faith and surrender, can be forgiven and made spiritually new.
Coming into a right relationship with God through the work of Christ is the most important choice an individual could make. We seek to be an organization that helps make this happen.
For more information about our mission statement click here
What We Believe
As an organization we want to work with anyone who has a passion to spread the Gospel, regardless of Christian denomination. We want there to be unity in the body Christ and unity in His mission.
We as an organization are committed the Gospel and the Word of God. We believe the full Gospel and that the Bible is 100% accurate and infaliable. Below is a simplified list of what we believe. For a more in depth look click here
There is one God
He is eternally existing, and manifests Himself in the three persons of the Trinity
He is perfectly loving, perfectly, holy, and perfectly just
Man is sinful
Sin separates us from God and merits eternal separation from God in hell
The only hope of forgiveness of sins comes from what Jesus Christ did on the cross
Salvation does not come by works, but only by grace through faith in Christ
At the moment of salvation, the individual is born again, and legally justified before God
The Church's mission is to go into the world to proclaim the Gospel
God intends for us to operate in the power of the Holy Spirit as we fulfill the Great Commission
God intends the life of the believer to be full of the Holy Spirit and the operation and activity of the Spiritual gifts listed in Scripture
Jesus will return
The Vision of Kingdom Enterprise is to eventually become a multi-faceted ministry that is able to further the Gospel in local communities and help equip believers to fulfill the Great Commission.
Though our primary goal is to advance the Gospel, we also believe in the importance of biblical-discipleship. So as we grow as a ministry, we want to begin to explore ways in which we can help disciple Christians and train churches to successfully do the same.
We seek to keep our vision Christ centered and our ministry Spirit-empowered. Though we want to grow as an organization and ministry, we are determined to adhere to sound Biblical doctrine and sound biblical practice. We will not compromise the Gospel.
We desire to partner with churches and other ministries to help bring the Gospel to local communities
It is our hope that some day we can begin to operate regionally and eventually nationally.
For more information about our vision click here
How We Do it
Our mindset as a ministry is that every soul counts. Therefore, currently, much of our focus is on personal evangelism and outreach initiatives.
We are committed to preaching and furthering a full Gospel message of repentance of sin and surrender to Christ. Thus, our outreaches are Gospel centered even if they incorporate providing a physical need. However, primarily we preach and proclaim the Gospel for our outreaches.
We are currently located in Tucson, AZ. We do weekly outreaches, minister at local events, and work with local churches to equip and train their congregants and then provide them opportunities to share Christ.
As we gain more and more volunteers we will be able to conduct more and more outreaches in the area to bring the message of the Gospel to the lost.
When we minister to an individual, if they are open to the message of Christ and is willing to consciously make a choice to surrender their life to Christ, we lead them in a prayer to accept Christ. However, we make it clear that praying a prayer does not save an individual but a prayer is an
If a person is receptive or wants follow up, we get their contact information.
If the person is a Christian but unchurched (which is very normal these days) we connect with them to help them get plugged in with a local church if they are able.
Besides, our outreach ministry, we put a high emphasis on being "ready in season and out of season." We see ministry as something that is a 24/7 commitment and thus take every opportunity God gives us to share Christ even outside of our "official" ministry efforts.