In 2004, when I was 12 years old, my life supernaturally and dramatically changed when I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ into my life. I was a very sinful, lost and confused fatherless young boy who immigrated to the United States from the former Soviet Republic of Ukraine, who never knew his purpose in life, and most importantly never knew his Heavenly Father. Then, on one amazing day God met me and I realized how much God loved me and wanted to adopt me into His Kingdom. Since the moment of surrender to Jesus Christ and becoming born again, I have never been the same. Not only did God forgive me of my sins and erase the penalty of my crimes against His righteous and holy character, but God also granted me a heart of unconditional love towards people in a way that I could never explain even to this day. I passionately desire to see others, especially young men and young women, experience the same kind of purpose, love, and forgiveness that God had shown me when He became my Lord and Savior through Jesus Christ.

Professionally, I have a Bachelor’s in Computer Science and Computer Information Systems and practically a Master’s degree in Cybersecurity and have worked multiple jobs in various technical fields. But, God has made it clear to me that he has called me to full time ministry. It is my desire to see people come to know the Lord Jesus Christ, in the powerful and vibrant way that I have come to know Him. This is displayed in my daily life by trying to share the gospel with as many people as I am able. I know that God has been preparing me to go into full time ministry for Him. To answer this call on my life, I will be working as a missionary with “Kingdom Enterprises”, a local evangelism outreach ministry in Tucson, Arizona.
God has put it on my heart to reach the young men and women on the University of Arizona. In the United States, our young people are confused and lost in a myriad of empty philosophies, atheistic and communist beliefs, and the focus on the material pleasures of this life. College campuses are one of the most lost and godless places in the country. There are very few Bible believing Christians on college campuses. Since the leaders of tomorrow are being formed in our universities today it is very important what they believe. However, the majority of these students are being led down a road of sin and God-rejection. Most of them reject God’s definition of morality and embrace New Age and anti-theistic thinking. And most people who become followers of Jesus Christ come to know Him in their teens and twenties. Thus, my heart yearns to reach these young men and women with the gospel of Jesus Christ. This will involve 1-on-1 conversations, preaching, bible studies, and various outreaches on campus through Kingdom Enterprises.
In addition, I will also be involved in other evangelistic enterprises in my city. We minister at Planned Parenthood, local parks, and large city/regional events. But my primary outreach will be at the University of Arizona where I will maintain a position for Jesus Christ as a campus evangelist. My vision is to share the gospel with as many students as possible, and bring students to Jesus Christ.
de the work I will be doing. Since early last year (2020), I left a very well paying computer job with a huge company in order to pursue my calling. I need to raise $3000/month in order to cover my expenses and become a full-time minister of the gospel. Would you please consider being a monthly financial supporter to help me in what God has called me to do? If you are not able to commit to monthly giving, any one time donation would be greatly appreciated!
If you feel led to give, please click the donate button and make sure to give to "Slavic Missionary"
Yaroslav (Slavic) Klyonov