About me
My name is David. I am the founder and Director of Kingdom Enterprises.
A little about me....
My passion in life is Jesus Christ. I love him with all my heart and I am daily seeking to allow Him to transform my life into more of what He wants it to be. Knowing Jesus is the best decision I have ever made.
Following Christ is not something that hinders or constricts us from experiencing life but rather, living for him is the only way to have life. HE has set me free from sin and HE is the greatest thing that has ever happened in my life. I hope you know him. If you don't you can contact me and I will tell you about him.

Some of my interests include: evangelism, writing, working out, playing sports, playing worship on the guitar, spending time with family and friends, outreach, fellowship, did I mention evangelism.
I am always looking to partner with brothers and sisters in Christ and I believe unity plays big part in the furthering of the Gospel. If there is any way I can be a friend, helper, or brother to you, please contact me.
I just want to have the biggest impact for the kingdom of God possible. Whatever it may be, or wherever he wants me to go, I want to do it.